Interested in adding some mods to your PC rig? There are a lot of affordable options that can help, from RGB lighting to liquid cooling.
Here are a few tips and recommendations to get started:
Hydro Series H80 is a good starting unit for adding liquid cooling. It’s affordable and more compact which usually fits most cases. You can pick them up at most retailers.
If you’re thinking about RGB lighting, then you’ll need a windowed case. There are a ton of options available, look for cases from Cooler Master, Corsair, ThemalTake or Deepcool. Here are some examples from ThermalTake:
Now for RGB lighting, there are some really cool units including remote control. Deepcool offers an affordable option starting with 2 light strips and up. Deepcool RGB 350 Multi-Color Magnetic LED Strip with Remote Controller
Added any lighting or mods to your PC? Send us pics!