Interested in adding some mods to your PC rig? There are a lot of affordable options that can help, from RGB lighting to liquid cooling.
Here are a few tips and recommendations to get started:
Hydro Series H80 is a good starting unit for adding liquid cooling. It’s affordable and more compact which usually fits most cases. You can pick them up at most retailers. https://www.corsair.com/ca/en/Categories/Products/Liquid-Cooling/Hydro-Series%E2%84%A2-H80-High-Performance-Liquid-CPU-Cooler/p/CWCH80
If you’re thinking about RGB lighting, then you’ll need a windowed case. There are a ton of options available, look for cases from Cooler Master, Corsair, ThemalTake or Deepcool. Here are some examples from ThermalTake: https://www.thermaltake.com/chassis.aspx
Now for RGB lighting, there are some really cool units including remote control. Deepcool offers an affordable option starting with 2 light strips and up. Deepcool RGB 350 Multi-Color Magnetic LED Strip with Remote Controller https://www.canadacomputers.com/product_info.php?cPath=6_108&item_id=098246
Added any lighting or mods to your PC? Send us pics!